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Diversified Communications



Student Loan Debt Contributions Program

Ready to bust out of the student loan trap? Our Student Loan Debt Repayment program is your ticket to freedom! At Diversified, we’re not just talking the talk, we’re walking the walk. We’ll kick in tax-free contributions directly towards slashing your loan principal. Keep up with your regular monthly payments and watch those loan shackles start to crumble. It’s time to take control of your financial future!

Paying for college? Candidly is here to help.

Candidly is an all-in-one financial wellness platform that offers solutions to navigate college expenses with confidence.  

  • Private Student Loan Finder – Review multiple borrowing options, and unlock student loan offers to help cover what federal aid doesn’t. 
  • 529 Plan Finder – Discover and compare 529 plans for smarter college savings. 
  • College Planning– Learn strategies for college savings, finding scholarships, and navigating financial aid. 
  • Student Loan Contributions Benefit – Diversified partners with Candidly to process employer contributions to your designated student loans. 

Student Loan Contributions Benefit

After 6 months of service, you become eligible to receive a $50 monthly contribution from Diversified toward your student loans. 

After your 1-year anniversary, you become eligible to receive $100 monthly contributions.  

  • Activate and sign into your Candidly account

    Visit to register, access financial wellness resources and sign up for student loan contributions.

  • Synch your student loans

    Tip - have your loan servicer log in credentials handy to seamlessly synch your student loans.

  • Find your best path forward

    Visit the learning center and college planning tools.

  • Lower your student loan bill

    Find alternative federal repayment plans and compare refinancing rates from top private lenders.

  • Accelerate your debt paydown

    Crush student debt faster with cash back and spare change from everyday purchases and with one-time or recurring payments.

Did you know...

Did you know that employer student loan repayment programs can help you pay off your student loans 30% faster on average?  Employer contributions provide direct contributions towards the loan’s principal, significantly reducing the repayment period, alleviating financial stress and allowing you to achieve financial freedom sooner!

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Money Saving Tips

Refinance – Consider replacing your current loans with a new one.  Vault’s tool will calculate the impact of refinancing.

Payoff Faster – Learn how much faster you can pay off your loans each month and the financial gains benefited from doing so. 

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